Where do the vertebral arteries originate from?

Where do the vertebral arteries originate from?

The two vertebral arteries start at the subclavian arteries. The subclavian arteries sit below the collarbone (clavicle). They arise from the aorta, the body’s largest blood vessel, which carries blood from the heart.

What are the branches of the vertebral arteries?


  • V1: segmental cervical muscular and spinal branches.
  • V2: anterior meningeal artery, muscular and spinal branches.
  • V3: posterior meningeal artery.
  • V4: anterior and posterior spinal arteries (ASA and PSA), perforating branches to medulla, posterior inferior cerebellar artery.

What is the course of vertebral artery?

The vertebral arteries arise from the subclavian arteries, one on each side of the body, then enter deep to the transverse process at the level of the 6th cervical vertebrae (C6), or occasionally (in 7.5% of cases) at the level of C7. They then proceed superiorly, in the transverse foramen of each cervical vertebra.

What causes vertebral artery stenosis?

Carotid artery stenosis, vertebral artery stenosis and intracranial artery stenosis are all caused by fatty deposits and cholesterol sticking to the artery walls. This plaque buildup is known as atherosclerosis. It causes the arteries to narrow, which restricts blood flow to the various parts of the brain.

What causes vertebral artery dissection?

Vertebral artery dissection (VAD) is a flap-like tear of the inner lining of the vertebral artery, which is located in the neck and supplies blood to the brain….

Vertebral artery dissection
Complications Stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage
Causes Trauma, Ehler’s Danlos syndrome, Marfan syndrome

What area of the brain does the vertebral artery supply?

As the supplying component of the vertebrobasilar vascular system, the vertebral arteries supply blood to the upper spinal cord, brainstem, cerebellum, and posterior part of brain.

What are the symptoms of vertebral artery stenosis?

What are the symptoms of vertebral artery stenosis?

  • dizziness or vertigo.
  • sudden, unexplained falls that occur without loss of consciousness (known as “drop attacks”)
  • sudden, severe weakness in the legs that can cause falls.
  • trouble seeing in one or both eyes, including blurred or double vision.

How do you fix a vertebral artery dissection?

Vertebral artery dissection (VAD) is a flap-like tear of the inner lining of the vertebral artery, which is located in the neck and supplies blood to the brain….

Vertebral artery dissection
Treatment Anticoagulation, angioplasty, surgery
Medication Aspirin, heparin, warfarin
Frequency 1.1 per 100,000

What is the treatment for vertebral artery dissection?

First-line treatment for cervical artery dissection usually is antiplatelet agents (such as aspirin) or anti-coagulation to prevent the formation of blood clots. Antiplatelet drugs such as aspirin or clopidogrel may used alone or in combination.

Comment se boucher l’artère vertébrale?

Si le calibre de l’artère vertébrale est rétréci, celle-ci peut se boucher. Cela provoque une diminution, voire un arrêt de la vascularisation, et peut entraîner un accident ischémique.

Quel est l’examen de l’artère vertébrale?

Examen de l’artère vertébrale. Examen clinique. Dans un premier temps,un examen clinique est réalisé afin d’identifier et d’évaluer les douleurs perçus par le patient. Examens d’imagerie médicale. Afin de confirmer ou approfondir un diagnostic, des examens par radiographie, scanner, angioscanner et artériographie peuvent être réalisés.

Est-ce que le calibre de l’artère est distendu?

Cela provoque une diminution, voire un arrêt de la vascularisation, et peut entraîner un accident ischémique. Si le calibre de l’artère vertébrale est distendu, celle-ci peut compresser les structures voisines. Dans certains cas, la paroi de l’artère peut se rompre et provoquer un accident hémorragique.

Comment diminuer la tension artérielle?

En fonction de la pathologie diagnostiquée, certains médicaments peuvent être prescrits pour diminuer la tension artérielle. Thrombolyse. Utilisé lors d’accidents vasculaires cérébraux, ce traitement consiste à désagréger les thrombos, ou caillots sanguins, à l’aide de médicaments.

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