Why does my implant look rippled?

Why does my implant look rippled?

Implant rippling happens when the edges, folds, and wrinkles of the breast implants can be seen through the skin, often around the cleavage and the sides of the implant. Implant rippling is most common with saline implants, but silicone-gel implants can also have this problem.

Does breast implant rippling get worse?

Rippling of saline implants is common and poses no risk or danger to you. If you are satisfied with the look and feel of your breast implants there is no reason to change or modify them as long as the rippling does not bother you.

What does rippling mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to stir up small waves on. 2 : to impart a wavy motion or appearance to rippling his arm muscles. 3 : to utter or play with a slight rise and fall of sound.

How do I choose between silicone and saline implants?

Both types of implants have a distinct feel to them once they are placed. Silicone implants have been curated to feel more like the actual natural breast, and are soft to touch. Saline implants on the other hand are usually firmer, but in cases of a rupture, the saline solution can be safely absorbed by the body.

What looks more natural silicone or saline?

Difference between silicone and saline implants Silicone is more viscous than saline. In contrast to saline, it flows differently within its shell and can often create a more natural look and feel to the breast, like breast tissue.

What is breast implant rippling and how is it treated?

Breast implant rippling occurs when folds in the implant can be seen or felt through the skin. This relatively common breast augmentation complication can be addressed through revision surgery.

Why do saline dental implants ripple?

Because underfilling is strongly associated with rippling, many surgeons precisely overfill implants to prevent the issue—but this requires judgment as overfilling can also lead to rippling. Saline implants have lost volume. Saline implants can lose volume over time if the valve fails.

What does it mean if my breast implant isrippling after surgery?

After surgery, the surface of the breast can visibly “ripple” in either of the following cases: The overlying soft tissue is too thin in relation to the implant. The shell of the implant is underfilled or overfilled. The overlying soft tissue is asymmetrically tethered to the implant.

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