Mad dog ofAkira Kurosawa, it is this kind of work near-perfect, which might make you reconsider the concepts of “good movie”, or “classic”. A pinnacle of consistency between: a historical context-strong social (post-war japan), a powerful story, a scenario intelligent, what we can expect in terms of depth, emotion or underlying complexity of the characters, […]


The director, Sophie Reine, CIGARETTES, AND HOT CHOCOLATE is the first feature length film, has participated in the editing of the last movie from Rémi Bezançon, Our Future. The two filmmakers have in common the same universe : sensitive, poetic, quirky, without pathos, funny, tender, moving. The story’s quasi-autobiographical Sophie Queen evokes subtly in a […]

Fantastic Cinema : 5 films to discover ROGER CORMAN

En 2010, the wonderful world of Hollywood adoubait an oscar of honor, a character outside the norm that only this world of simulacra and hystéries can lead to. On this day, you may be asked who was this old veteran, who boasted of having called his memoir “How to produce a hundred films without losing […]


COMANCHERIA (Hell or high water in VO) opens on a scene of turning almost trivial : two men wearing balaclavas threatened the teller to steal a few tickets. Men leave, they discover their faces (Chris Pine and Ben Foster). The simplicity with which they have acted seems anachronistic. “How can we still break the bank […]


Before Amityville, there was Harrisville… Conjuring : records Warren, tells the story horrible, but true, Ed and Lorraine Warren, investigators of paranormal deemed to be in the world, came to the aid of a family terrorized by a presence disturbing them in their remote farmhouse… Forced to confront a creature of the demon a formidable […]


You will also find a positive criticism and supplementary, by Stone to this address. The first Maze, in spite of a tone and an artistic direction largely borrowed from the competition (Hunger Games, Divergent, The Giver, etc) proved to be an efficient entertainment through operating the best of its environment (a maze holding a prisoner […]


For his first feature film, Corporate, Nicolas Silhol deconstructs brilliantly the mechanics of the system of the suffering at work. CORPORATE refers to a news alas dramatic : not a week without learning of the suicide to the work of employees in a company or employees in a hospital. Who is to blame ? Who […]

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