Where is star anise originally from?

Where is star anise originally from? China star anise, dry fruits of the star anise tree (Illicium verum), used as a spice and source of pharmaceutical chemicals. The plant is indigenous to the southeastern part of China and to Vietnam. The flavour and uses of the fruit are similar to those of anise (Pimpinella anisum), […]

How do I set grid column size?

How do I set grid column size? Defines the columns of a grid container. You can specify the width of a column by using a keyword (like auto ) or a length (like 10px ). The number of columns is determined by the number of values defined in the space-separated list. What does auto do […]

Can DC fan work on PWM?

Can DC fan work on PWM? Pulse width modulation (PWM) fans are DC fans with an extra wire for PWM. PWM fans are 4-pin fans where the fourth wire sends a PWM signal to the fan motor. The PWM signal is the control input of the PWM fan….PWM Fans or 4-Pin Fans. DC Fan PWM […]

Does Eddie Lenihan speak Irish?

Does Eddie Lenihan speak Irish? Lenihan, who grimaces and gesticulates and speaks in low urgent tones, is dramatic but serious, a 49-year-old high school teacher who is one of the few traditional storytellers — seanchai in Gaelic — still working in Ireland. What is an Irish storyteller called? A seanchaí (pronounced [ˈʃan̪ˠəxiː] or [ʃan̪ˠəˈxiː] – […]

What is AVG in GLBP?

What is AVG in GLBP? All devices running GLBP elect an AVG (Active Virtual Gateway). There will be only one AVG for a single group running GLBP but other devices can take over this rule if the AVG fails. The role of the AVG is to assign a virtual MAC address to all other devices […]

What is the alternative to AutoCAD?

What is the alternative to AutoCAD? DraftSight Draftsight is a professional-grade alternative to AutoCAD, designed for users looking for better ways to read, write, and share . dwg files. The open 2D CAD software is easy to use and is based on advanced architecture with all the tools you need to create technical 2D drawings. […]

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