What happened to high tinker Mekkatorque?

What happened to high tinker Mekkatorque? Gelbin Mekkatorque is still alive, but in critical condition and in a stasis device no one knows how to get him out of – story-wise, pretty much the same state Magni was in from Cataclysm – Legion. So he’s not dead, but he’s also not coming out until the […]

Is it better to read comics digitally?

Is it better to read comics digitally? New digital comics go on sale on the same date as their paper counterparts. In that sense, digital comics are more reliable than print books. In addition, a digital title like Dynamite’s Shaft even includes bonus material not found in the print version. Still, that doesn’t mean that […]

How do I create a shipping log?

How do I create a shipping log? To configure log shipping Right click the database you want to use as your primary database in the log shipping configuration, and then click Properties. Under Select a page, click Transaction Log Shipping. Select the Enable this as a primary database in a log shipping configuration check box. […]

Where did they shoot The Big Bang Theory?

Where did they shoot The Big Bang Theory? The Big Bang Theory was filmed at Warner Brothers Studios in Burbank, California, USA. Who does Leonard take to Switzerland? Penny Sheldon wonders why Howard would celebrates a 3rd-century saint who was stoned and beheaded. That still beats Raj who is spending his night with a rotisserie […]

What was the name of Muhammad SAW?

What was the name of Muhammad SAW? Muhammad, in full Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim, (born c. 570, Mecca, Arabia [now in Saudi Arabia]—died June 8, 632, Medina), the founder of Islam and the proclaimer of the Qurʾān. Why Muhammad is called saw? When writing the name of the […]

Why is my right side spasming?

Why is my right side spasming? Overexercising, dehydration, and stress are the most common causes. The spasms happen when the muscle suddenly moves involuntarily. Muscle spasms may feel like a slight twitch or a painful cramp, and they can occur in the muscles in any part of the body. How do I stop my lower […]

How much HP does a Shovelhead have?

How much HP does a Shovelhead have? Early 80-inch/FLH Shovelheads produced a maximum 66 horsepower at 5,600 rpm. From 1970 to 1984, maximum horsepower dipped slightly to 62, peaking at 5,400 rpm. Horsepower dipped to 60 in 1978 to 1980 models, climbing to 65 in 1981 through 1984 versions. What is a generator Shovelhead? The […]

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