[critical] Toy Story 3

The creators of the very popular film Toy Story re-open the toy box and invite the audience to rediscover the world deliciously magic of Woody and Buzz at the moment where Andy is preparing to go to university. Neglected, the most famous band of toys is found… in the nursery ! Toddlers unchained and small fingers capable of tearing it apart are a real threat for our friends ! It becomes urgent to devise a plan for their escape more quickly. Some newcomers will join the Great escape, the eternal seducer and single, Ken, friend of Barbie, a hedgehog actor named Larosse, and a pink bear scented strawberry called Lotso.

Author’s Note


Release Date : July 14, 2010

Directed by Lee Unkrich

Film american

With Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Michael Keaton

Duration : 1h40min

Original title : Toy Story 3

Trailer :

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Toy Story 3, the third installment of this saga realized master by Lee Unkrich, is simply a moment of happiness, this is not surprising, since Lee Unkrich has already participated as an editor on the previous two installment of this saga, but has, moreover, already co-directed Toy Story 2, Monsters & Co. and finding Nemo.

Surprisingly, this film seems to be more work with adults than children. Toy Story 3 deals with this delicate passage of the end of childhood where we go in this age of oh-so-serious : adulthood. The ritual of this passage is nothing less than the abandonment of the toys of our childhood.

If the viewer is an adult nostalgic for his childhood, Toy Story 3 may remember this period where he is separated from his toys. And honestly, for those who have not lost their spontaneity of a child, the shock may be harsh.

The children, themselves, laugh in front of this film, while adults may feel their throat to build, the desire to highlight some of the accessories are deeply buried in their cellar. In the meantime, we find reflections of our past here on the screen, toys well-known to us, staged in a few fun twists and turns.

Just a animated film to be very successful : beautiful, funny and moving.

Beyond this tragedy, film, laughter, is, of course, the appointment with including new characters endearing and charismatic. We will worship the couple Barbie/Ken, Grin, the sad clown (the French voice is held by Grand Corps Malade) and of course the Spanish version of Buzz the flash.

What is significant in the saga Toy Story is the heterogeneity of characters, textures, sizes and styles are organized in the same universe. However, no detail is overlooked : everything blends and melts into our dreams.

It is simply an animated movie to be very successful : beautiful, funny and moving. This film is so widely recommended for those who wish to escape their daily ” grown-up “. It will not, therefore, expect a great deal of reflection ; Toy Story 3 has no ambition and even avoids the trap of a morality too explicit and easy.

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