How do you calculate saturated water vapor pressure?

How do you calculate saturated water vapor pressure?

Relative humidity (RH) is the ratio of the ambient vapor pressure of water to the saturation water vapor pressure: RH=pw/ps.

What is saturation pressure of water vapor?

The saturation vapour pressure is the pressure at which water vapour is in thermodynamic equilibrium with its condensed state. At pressures higher than vapour pressure, water would condense, whilst at lower pressures it would evaporate or sublimate.

How do you find the vapor pressure of water?

The vapor pressure of a liquid can be measured in a variety of ways. A simple measurement involves injecting a little of the liquid into a closed flask connected to a manometer. Click here for an illustration. When a solid or a liquid evaporates to a gas in a closed container, the molecules cannot escape.

What is the saturation pressure of water at 350 K?


Temperature Water saturation pressure
300 67.264 9686
350 134.73 19402
400 247.01 35570
450 422.32 60814

What is the vapor pressure of water at 20c?

Vapor Pressure of Water from 0 °C to 100 °C

T °C P (torr)
18 15.5
19 16.5
20 17.5
21 18.7

What is the normal water vapor pressure?

47 mm Hg
Vapor Pressure of Water At normal body temperature, 37°C (98.6°F), this vapor pressure is 47 mm Hg.

What is the vapor pressure of water at 25 C?

The vapor pressure of water at room temperature (25° C) is 0.0313 atm, or 23.8 mm of mercury (760 mm Hg = 1 atm).

What is the vapor pressure of water at 40 C?

Vapor Pressure of Water from 0 °C to 100 °C

T °C P (torr)
40 55.3
41 58.3
42 61.5
43 64.8

What is a high vapor pressure?

Vapor pressure is a property of a liquid based on the strength of its intermolecular forces. A liquid with weak intermolecular forces evaporates more easily and has a high vapor pressure. A liquid with stronger intermolecular forces does not evaporate easily and thus has a lower vapor pressure.

How do you calculate water vapor?

Another formula for calculating the vapor pressure of water is log10P = A – B/C+T. The temperature in Celsius is represented by T. The vapor pressure in mmHg is represented by P. Three constants are required to use this formula.

How to calculate water vapor?

First,measure the temperature of the air. If necessary,convert the temperature into units of Celsius.

  • Next,enter the temperature into the formula. Calculate the water vapor pressure using the temperature from step 1 and the formula above.
  • Finally,analyze the results. Do the results make logical sense?
  • How to find vapor pressure of water?

    Enter the temperature in the input field (Example: 49°C)

  • Now click the button “Solve” to get the vapor pressure
  • Finally,the vapor pressure of water for the given temperature will be displayed in the output field (I.e.,Vapor pressure of water at 49°C = 87.81748 mm Hg)
  • What is the equilibrium vapor pressure of water?

    This point is called an equilibrium, and the pressure of the water vapor at equilibrium is called the equilibrium or saturation vapor pressure. The pressure of water vapor in the air at any given moment is the actual vapor pressure. Vapor pressure is measured using the same units used to describe pressure.

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